Newsletters with voucher codes are sent to active players from time to time. Check the list below to make sure you'll receive our email newsletter:
Be active Did you play at least once during the last 3 months?
Have a valid email address Is your email address still valid? Check it under "My Profile". You'll find the opportunity to change it there or a link to the provider you registered with (i.e. Facebook, Uplay).
Have a verified email address You can only subscribe to our newsletter if your email address has been verified. Please check the newsletter section at the "My Profile" page.
Check the newsletter subscription Check if you have ticked the checkbox to receive newsletters at the "My Profile" page / newsletter section.
Check your Spam folder Sometimes newsletters can be categorised as spam by mistake. Check your spam folder carefully before emptying it.
If your email address is valid and you are subscribed to the newsletter, but still haven't received a mail when other players did, please contact our support with a web ticket.
This is the European English version of The Settlers Online.